In 2020, the IT collective agreement was put into effect, aiming to standardize and improve working conditions for technology industry employees. This agreement, negotiated by major trade unions and tech companies, covers topics such as salaries, working hours, training opportunities, and employee rights.

One of the key provisions in the IT collective agreement is the annual salary increase for tech workers. Under the agreement, employees can expect a minimum increase of 2% on their base salary each year, with the possibility of higher increases based on seniority and performance. This is a significant improvement compared to the previous lack of standardization in salary increases throughout the industry.

Additionally, the IT collective agreement places emphasis on work-life balance by setting limits on working hours. Employees are not expected to work more than 48 hours per week, and overtime must be compensated appropriately. This provision is especially important in an industry known for its demanding and sometimes grueling work schedules.

To assist in the professional development of tech employees, the IT collective agreement also includes provisions for training opportunities and advancement. Companies are required to provide training programs and opportunities for skills upgrading for their employees. This means that tech workers have access to more resources to improve their skills and advance their careers.

Finally, the IT collective agreement also strengthens employee rights by providing for job security and protection against discrimination. The agreement includes measures to prevent arbitrary termination of employees and protect against discrimination based on gender, age, race, or other factors.

Overall, the IT collective agreement is an important step forward for the tech industry in terms of standardizing and improving working conditions for its employees. By ensuring fair salaries, reasonable working hours, and opportunities for professional development, the agreement helps to create a more equitable and positive working environment for tech workers.