As a writer, it is crucial to understand and implement proper subject-verb agreement. However, when it comes to indefinite pronouns, the rules can become a bit more complex. Indefinite pronouns refer to nouns that are not specific, such as someone, anybody, everybody, and no one. These pronouns can sometimes present a challenge when it comes to determining the correct verb form. That`s why we have provided some exercises to help you practice subject-verb agreement with indefinite pronouns.

Exercise 1:

Choose the correct verb option that agrees with the indefinite pronoun in each sentence.

1. Everybody (is/are) welcome to attend the event.

2. Nobody (wants/want) to be the first to try the new dish.

3. Someone (has/have) left their umbrella at the party.

4. Anybody (can/can`t) participate in the competition.

5. Each of the participants (has/have) to sign a waiver.

Answers: 1. is; 2. wants; 3. has; 4. can; 5. has.

Exercise 2:

Rewrite each sentence, replacing the indefinite pronoun with a definite pronoun. Then, choose the correct verb option that agrees with the new pronoun.

1. Everyone has their own opinion about the matter.

2. Anyone can become a successful entrepreneur.

3. Nobody believes what the politician says anymore.

4. Somebody needs to clean up the mess in the kitchen.

5. Everything has its own unique properties.

Answers: 1. He/she has his/her own opinion about the matter. (has); 2. He/she can become a successful entrepreneur. (can); 3. Nobody believes what he/she says anymore. (believes); 4. He/she needs to clean up the mess in the kitchen. (needs); 5. It has its own unique properties. (has).

Exercise 3:

Choose the correct verb option that agrees with the indefinite pronoun in each sentence.

1. Each of the students (is/are) required to bring their own supplies.

2. None of the guests (has/have) arrived yet.

3. Everything in the store (is/are) on sale this week.

4. Someone (has/have) taken the last slice of pizza.

5. Anybody (can/can`t) learn to play an instrument.

Answers: 1. is; 2. has; 3. is; 4. has; 5. can.

In conclusion, these exercises can help you master subject-verb agreement with indefinite pronouns. Remember to always match the verb form to the indefinite pronoun, even when it may seem tricky. Proper subject-verb agreement will ensure your writing remains clear and professional.