This site only requires what is requested in the registration forms, whether as an owner who asks for a sitter or as an applicant to become a sitter for us. You don`t have to provide more information if you don`t want to. As with most websites, the website publisher can automatically receive general information from the server`s protocol files, z.B. Your IP address and cookie information. There is a lot of talk about House Sitting being a „trust-based community“ in the sharing economy. So we`ve always been a little amused that most international seating platforms recommend and offer „home seat contracts.“ We have made available a cleaning contract that housekeepers or homeowners want to use if they wish. „I don`t necessarily see myself as part of a community based on trust. With every new home, I potentially deal with people who see this as a clear service they have at some point. They need what they need (i.e. contracts, subcontracting, referrals, insurance).
They offer what they offer (free utilities, car use, comfort of home, etc.). Many see it as a simple transaction between two parties. They don`t think about the community behind in a circle of networked housekeepers. Therefore, there does not appear to be a definitive answer in any way. In some cases, a contract or agreement may be purely practical and provide a degree of security. In other cases, they are not necessary. As with many decisions in the seat, it seems that the best advice is to trust your instincts. Load each task of the house individually. If you want to feel more comfortable with a signed chord, you`ll find the model on your dashboard. You`ll find it in the „Policies – Forms“ section or via this link: Personally, we have never signed an agreement in our 35 most house seated home, but we would be happy to sign one if an owner asked for it. And to be clear, an agreement is anything other than a treaty.
At Nomador, we offer a standard contract. You can adapt this agreement to the specific requirements of the assignment. It is best accompanied by a house notebook (home manual and pet inetc.) and a simple inventory at home. All these documents can be downloaded for free on our website. If you have any doubts about the legality and possible consequences of using House Sitting Agreements in the United States, talk to a lawyer experienced in U.S. contract law. „If a person is employed through a home advisory agency, the owner who opts for a resident on vacation should ensure that the business is fully insured for employer liability, personal accident and professional compensation,“ says Asia Yasir, home insurance specialist „It would be up to the agency to ensure that it passes a criminal record registry on the knight before occupying it.“ Gavin Merritt has five years of house sitting under his belt. He sums it up: „What`s interesting (and I know it`s just perception) is that we love a lifestyle of trust and esteem.
That`s why the house and the pet are so well seated. A questionnaire encourages this lifestyle for us, while contracts and home residence contracts divert attention. We believe that relationship building works better than any written word has ever done. Typical domestic knights are writers, academics and retirees, but it is up to you as an owner to contact the knights who you like to look like, and discuss the task. You should always ask for at least two references, a copy of their passport and a police check. You can also apply for a deposit to insure against possible damage. Local ad sites like Gumtree also feature various home-sitter advertisements for their experience and availability, but you need to be especially careful. Unpaid domestic caretakers com